1 steel crib
2 steel crib
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > steel crib
3 steel crib
4 steel crib
Техника: стальной ряж -
5 steel crib
6 steel crib
7 crib
1. n детская кроватка2. n колыбель3. n плетёная корзинка4. n ясли, кормушка5. n хлев; стойло6. n хижина, лачуга; небольшая комната7. n сл. жильё; приют, крыша над головой; место для ночёвки8. n вор. жарг. квартира, жилой дом, магазин9. n сл. кабак, притон10. n сл. ночной клуб11. n амер. сл. публичный дом12. n амер. сл. спальня в борделе13. n амер. сл. разг. подстрочник, ключ14. n амер. сл. школ. разг. шпаргалка15. n амер. сл. сл. плагиат16. n амер. сл. вор. жарг. сейф, стальная камера17. n амер. сл. верша для ловли рыбы18. n амер. сл. небольшой плот из досок19. n стр. ряж20. n стр. сруб21. n стр. горн. костровая крепь22. n стр. закром, ларь23. n стр. инструментальная кладовая24. n стр. полость для захоронения радиоактивных отходов25. v запирать, заключать в тесное помещение26. v оборудовать кормушкой27. v разг. совершать плагиат, списывать28. v разг. красть, воровать29. v разг. школ. разг. списывать, сдирать, пользоваться шпаргалкойСинонимический ряд:1. brothel (noun) bagnio; bawdy house; bordello; brothel; call house; cathouse; disorderly house; fancy house; lupanar; parlor house; seraglio; sporting house; stew; whorehouse2. canister (noun) bin; bunker; can; canister; container; granary; hopper; locker; silo3. pony (noun) pony; trot4. sneak around (verb) cheat; play false; slip; smuggle; sneak around -
8 crib
1. сруб; клеть2. балочный ростверк, опорная балочная клетка3. ряж4. костровая клеть5. шпальный ящик -
9 crib
1) сруб2) горн. костёр, костровая крепь; срубовая крепь || крепить костровой или срубовой крепью3) ряж; шпальная клетка || устраивать ряжи4) гидр. водослив5) ж.-д. шпальный ящик6) мор. (доковая) клетка• -
10 crib
1) сруб, клеть2) ряж•- log crib- steel crib - timber crib* * *1. сруб; клеть3. ряж4. костровая клеть [крепь]5. шпальный ящик- basket crib
- log crib
- rock-filled timber crib
- rock-filled crib -
11 steel
1. n сталь2. n стальной инструмент или предмет3. n точило4. n огниво5. n стальная пластинкаsteel head — механизм обвязки стальной/ пластмассовой лентой
6. n горн. стальной бур7. n холодное оружие, меч, шпага8. n твёрдость9. n фин. акции сталелитейных компаний10. a стальнойsteel construction — стальная конструкция, металлоконструкция
11. v покрывать сталью; наваривать сталью12. v метал. закалять13. v ожесточатьСинонимический ряд:1. blade (noun) blade; cold steel; dagger; knife; razor; saber; sabre; scalpel; sword2. encourage (verb) animate; cheer; chirk up; embolden; encourage; enhearten; hearten; inspirit; nerve3. ready (verb) brace; forearm; fortify; gird; prepare; ready; strengthen -
12 rock-filled crib
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > rock-filled crib
13 stock steel
14 direct-strutted steel dam
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > direct-strutted steel dam
15 стальной ряж
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > стальной ряж
16 стальной ряж
17 structure
1) сооружение; конструкция; конструктивная система; строение; здание2) расположение частей; конструкция; устройство3) структура•- airtight structure - alignment structure - all-metal structure - all-veneer structure - all-welded steel structure - angle structure - armocement structure - aseismic structures - avalanche-protection structure - balloon structure - balloon frame structure - basic structure - beam and girder structure - beam and slab structure - beamless plate structure - bearing structure - bearing-wall structure - bedded structure - block structure - box structure - box-like space structure - braced structure - brick structure - brick-veneer structure - bridge structure - building structure - built-up structure - buried structure - cable structures - cable-stayed structures - cage structure - cancelled structure - cast-in-situ structures - cellular structure - classification of structures - coast-protecting structure - community structure - compact structure - compact grain structure - composite structure - concrete structure - concrete-bent structure - concrete gravity structure - concretionary structure - conjugation structure - crest structure - crib structure - cross-wall structure - crystal structure - cubic structure - curved structure - dangerous structure - dead-end structure - deformation of structure - disasterproof structure - double-skin structure - dust-tight structure - earthquakeproof structure - engineering structure - exterior structure - fabricated structure - filler structure - fine structure - fireproof structure - flood-regulating structure - folded plate structure - frame structure - geologic structure - girder structure - girderless structure - glued structure - glued-laminated structure - grade separation structure - grain structure - granular structure - guide structure - hipped-plate structure - historic structure - hollow-wood structure - hydraulic structure - incombustible structure - indeterminate structure - industrial structure - intake structure - jointless structure - ladder structure - lamellar structure - laminated structure - large-panel structures - large-sized block structures - latticed structure - layer-built structure - load-bearing structure - load-carrying structure - lumber core structure - mammoth building structure - masonry structure - mesh structure - metal structure - mixed structure - modular structure - moving-form structure - multi-span structure - non-bearing structure - non-fireproof structure - non-redundant structure - open structure - orbiting structure - pan structure - panelled structure - partially-prestressed composite structure - paste structure - pell-mell structure - permanent structure - plated structure - platform frame structure - porous structure - post and beam structure - post and panel structure - posttensioned structure - pre-assembled member structure - precast structure - precast and cast-in-situ structure - precast concrete structure - precast panel structure - prefabricated structure - prefabricated demountable structures - pre-posttensioned concrete structure - pressurized structure - prestressed structures - pretensioned concrete structures - probabilistic model of structure - protected metal structure - rammed loam structure - redundant structure - reinforced brick structure - reinforced concrete structure - reinforced masonry structure - reliability of structure - residential structures - rigid structure - rigid framed structure - road-mix structure - rumpled structure - sandwich structure - separation structure - shell structure - simple structure - simple in structure - single-grain structure - skeleton structure - slow-burning structure - slow-burning heavy timber structure - soil structure - solid-walled structure - space grid structures - statically determinate structure - statically indeterminate structure - steel structure - steel-frame structure - steel-plate structures - stone structures - stratified structure - supporting structure - suspended structures - temporary structure - thin-shell structure - thin-slab structure - thin-walled structure - tidal-regulating structure - tone structure - tower-base structure - track structure - trussed structure - two-hinged structure - urban spatial structure - veneered structure - vesicular structure - void structure - wall-bearing structure - water-diverting structure - waterfront structure - water purification structure - waterside structure - weight of structure - welded structure - welded steel structure - wood structureto load a structure — нагружать конструкцию, сооружение
* * *1. конструкция; конструктивная система (здания, сооружения)2. сооружение, здание3. структура4. pl леса; подмости; поддерживающие конструкцииstructure beyond repair — сооружение, не подлежащее восстановлению ( из-за чрезмерного износа)
structure designed by elastic method of analysis — конструкция, рассчитанная с учётом только упругой работы
structure designed by plastic theory — конструкция, рассчитанная по теории пластичности
structure designed on an experimental basis — сооружение [объект] экспериментального проектирования
structure exposed to wind force — сооружение, подвергаемое воздействию ветровых нагрузок; сооружение, для которого ветровые нагрузки являются основными
structure in design stage — сооружение в стадии проектирования; проектируемое сооружение
to make the structure statically determinate — превратить конструкцию в статически определимую ( путём удаления лишних связей)
- above-grade structurestructure subjected to specified loads — конструкция, нагруженная заданными [расчётными] нагрузками
- air-supported structure
- alien structure
- alignment structure
- all-metal structure
- all welded steel structure
- amorphous structure
- angle structure
- appurtenant structure
- arched structure
- architectural structure
- Armco multiplate superspan bridging structures
- armocement structure
- aseismic structure
- atomic reactor containment structure
- auxiliary structure
- avalanche brake structure
- backwater structure
- bank protection structure
- beam-and-column structure
- block structure
- box-type structure
- box structure
- braced structure
- building structure
- bulkhead structure
- cantilever structure
- carrying structure
- cased structure
- cast-in-situ structure
- cellular structure
- cladding structure
- closure structure
- coast-protecting structure
- completed structure
- composite structure
- concrete structure
- concrete gravity structure
- conjugation structure
- continuous structure
- control structure
- conveyance structure
- crest structure
- crib structure
- cross-wall structures
- crystalline structure
- dead-end structure
- dispersed structure
- dome structure
- drop structure
- earth structure
- earthquake-resistant structure
- earth-sheltered structure
- encased structure
- enclosing structures
- engineering structures
- external protection structure
- fish-protection structure
- fixed gravity structure
- floated-in structure
- floating structure
- flocculated structure
- floor structure
- folded plate structure
- folded structure
- framed structure
- freely supported structure
- free standing tower structure
- geological structure
- girder structure
- glass-block structure
- glued structure
- granular structure
- gravity structure
- grid structure
- guide structure
- heated structure
- heat-insulated structure
- high-rise structure
- high-strength structure
- hinged structure
- honeycomb structure
- hydraulic structure
- hyperstatic structure
- in-line structure
- intake structure
- laminated structure
- large-block structure
- large panel structure
- large span structure
- lattice structure
- lightweight structure
- linear structures
- line structures
- load-bearing structure
- log structure
- long span structure
- major structure
- manure storage structure
- marine structure
- massive concrete structure
- mass concrete structure
- metal structure
- modular structure
- multilevel structure
- multilevel cast-in-place parking structure
- multilevel precast concrete bar structure
- multiple span structure
- multistorey structure
- nonbearing structure
- nuclear energy structures
- offshore structure
- oil field structure
- open parking structure
- open-pile braced structure
- open-web structure
- orthotropic structure
- outfall structure
- outlet structure
- panel structure
- parking structure
- perlitic structure
- permanent structure
- pile structure
- pile-and-crib structure
- plate structures
- port structure
- portable structure
- portal structure
- post-and-beam structure
- precast structure
- prestressed structure
- prestressed pretensioned structure
- pretensioned structure
- radial plan structure
- rectilinear structure
- redundant structure
- regulating structure
- reinforced concrete structure
- reinforced masonry structure
- reinforced soil structure
- reinforced timber structure
- rigid structure
- rigid-plastic structure
- roof structure
- seismic structure
- self-supporting structure
- shell structure
- simply supported structure
- single span structure
- skeleton-type structure
- skeleton structure
- soil structure
- solid structure
- space structure
- space-grid structure
- spillway structure
- sports structure
- statically determinate structure
- statically indeterminate structure
- steel structure
- steel and concrete structure
- steel bearing structure
- storage structure
- stressed skin structure
- submerged structure
- subsurface structure
- supporting structure
- surface structure
- suspended structure
- suspended cable net structure
- tailrace structure
- tall structure
- thin-shell structure
- thin-walled prismatic structure
- thin-walled steel structure
- training structure
- truss structure
- tube-in-tube structure
- tubular structure
- turnout structure
- unclad structure
- underground structure
- underpinning structure
- underwater structure
- unified structure
- unsafe structure
- unusual structure
- urban structure
- utility structures
- vault structure
- water-conveyance structure
- water-diverting structure
- water-filled framed structure
- waterfront structure
- water retaining structure
- welded structure
- zoned earthfill structure -
18 dam
1) плотина2) мол; дамба, запруда, перемычка4) запруживать, заграждать•dam without overflow — глухая плотина, плотина без водослива
to dam out — отводить воду плотиной; перекрывать плотиной
- arch dam- arch dam in series - arched concrete dam - arch-gravity dam - articulated-type dam - ashlar masonry dam - bag dam - bear trap dam - beaver-type dam - blind dam - boulder dam - buttress dam - cantilever-deck dam - canvas dam - cellular dam - Chanoine shutter dam - check dam - closure dam - columnar-buttress dam - concrete dam - concrete gravity dam - constant-angle arch dam - constant-radius arch dam - crib dam - crib coffer dam - cupola dam - cupola-arch dam - curtain dam - curved dam - curved gravity dam - cut-off dam - cyclopean masonry dam - debris dam - diamond head buttress dam - dike dam - direct-strutted steel dam - diverting dam - dome dam - double-buttress dam - drop-inlet dam - drum dam - dry-placed dam - dry-rolled fill dam - dry-rubble dam - earthen dam - earth-faced rock-fill dam - earthfill dam - earth-to-rockfill dam - fabric dam - faggot dam - fill dam - filter dam - fixed dam - flat-deck dam - flat-slab buttress dam - floating dam - flood dam - flood-control dam - gabion dam - gate dam - gorge dam - gravity dam - hanging dam - high-head dam - high-water dam - hollow dam - hollow gravity concrete dam - hydraulic fill dam - intake dam - large dam - leaf dam - low dam - masonry dam - masonry arch dam - mass concrete dam - massive arch dam - measuring dam - monolithic dam - movable dam - mud dam - multi-arch dam - multiple-arch buttress dam - multiple-dome dam - navigation dam - needle dam - non-overflow dam - ogee dam - open weir dam - overfall dam - overflow dam - overtopped dam - pneumatic dam - Poiree needle dam - prestressed dam - reclamation dam - reinforced concrete dam - retaining dam - rock-crib dam - rock-fill dam - rolled dam - roller dam - round-head buttress dam - rubble masonry dam - sector dam - shutter dam - slab and buttress dam - slab and column dam - solid dam - solid gravity concrete dam - spillway dam - stone dam - storage dam - straight dam - supercharger dam - thin arch dam - timber dam - trestle dam - truss-buttress flat-slab dam - variable-radius arch dam - variable-thickness arch dam - vaulted dam - weir dam - wicket dam - wire dam - zoned earth dam* * *плотина; дамба- A-frame dam
- arch dam
- arch-gravity dam
- bag dam
- bank protection dam
- basket dam
- bear-trap dam
- blind dam
- boulder dam
- box dam
- building pit dam
- buttress dam
- cantilever deck dam
- cantilevered-type steel dam
- cavity dam
- cellular dam
- closure dam
- coast-protection dam
- concrete dam
- connecting dam
- counterfort dam
- crib dam
- crib and deck dam
- cupola dam
- debris dam
- detention dam
- diamond-head buttress dam
- dike dam
- diversion dam
- dome dam
- drop-inlet dam
- dry masonry dam
- earth-and-rockfill dam
- earth-fill dam
- earth dam
- earth-fill timber dam
- expansion dam
- faggot dam
- fence dam
- fill dam
- finger joint expansion dam
- finger dam
- fixed dam
- flat-slab buttress dam
- floating dam
- flood-control dam
- floodwater retarding dam
- framed dam
- gabion dam
- gravity dam
- gravity-arch dam
- groundwater dam
- hanging dam
- high-head dam
- hollow dam
- homogeneous earth dam
- hydraulic fill dam
- hydroelectric dam
- ice dam
- impounding dam
- inflatable dam
- intake dam
- leaf dam
- loose rock dam
- low-head dam
- masonry dam
- massive head buttress dam
- measuring dam
- mud dam
- multiarch dam
- multiple-dome dam
- nonoverflow dam
- ogee dam
- overfall dam
- overflow dam
- penstock dam
- plate expansion dam
- power dam
- retaining dam
- ring dam
- rockfill dam
- roller dam
- sausage dam
- sediment control dam
- self-acting movable flood dam
- storage dam
- subsidiary dam
- tailings dam
- T-headed buttress dam
- thick arch dam
- thin core earth dam
- timber dam
- weir dam
- wicket dam
- wing dam
- wire dam
- zoned earth dam -
19 structure
- structure
- n1. конструкция; конструктивная система (здания, сооружения)
2. сооружение, здание
3. структура
4. pl леса; подмости; поддерживающие конструкции
structure beyond repair — сооружение, не подлежащее восстановлению ( из-за чрезмерного износа)
structure designed by elastic method of analysis — конструкция, рассчитанная с учётом только упругой работы
structure designed by plastic theory — конструкция, рассчитанная по теории пластичности
structure designed on an experimental basis — сооружение [объект] экспериментального проектирования
structure exposed to wind force — сооружение, подвергаемое воздействию ветровых нагрузок; сооружение, для которого ветровые нагрузки являются основными
structure in design stage — сооружение в стадии проектирования; проектируемое сооружение
to make the structure statically determinate — превратить конструкцию в статически определимую ( путём удаления лишних связей)
structure subjected to specified loads — конструкция, нагруженная заданными [расчётными] нагрузками
- above-grade structure
- air-supported structure
- alien structure
- alignment structure
- all-metal structure
- all welded steel structure
- amorphous structure
- angle structure
- appurtenant structure
- arched structure
- architectural structure
- Armco multiplate superspan bridging structures
- armocement structure
- aseismic structure
- atomic reactor containment structure
- auxiliary structure
- avalanche brake structure
- backwater structure
- bank protection structure
- beam-and-column structure
- block structure
- box-type structure
- box structure
- braced structure
- building structure
- bulkhead structure
- cantilever structure
- carrying structure
- cased structure
- cast-in-situ structure
- cellular structure
- cladding structure
- closure structure
- coast-protecting structure
- completed structure
- composite structure
- concrete structure
- concrete gravity structure
- conjugation structure
- continuous structure
- control structure
- conveyance structure
- crest structure
- crib structure
- cross-wall structures
- crystalline structure
- dead-end structure
- dispersed structure
- dome structure
- drop structure
- earth structure
- earthquake-resistant structure
- earth-sheltered structure
- encased structure
- enclosing structures
- engineering structures
- external protection structure
- fish-protection structure
- fixed gravity structure
- floated-in structure
- floating structure
- flocculated structure
- floor structure
- folded plate structure
- folded structure
- framed structure
- freely supported structure
- free standing tower structure
- geological structure
- girder structure
- glass-block structure
- glued structure
- granular structure
- gravity structure
- grid structure
- guide structure
- heated structure
- heat-insulated structure
- high-rise structure
- high-strength structure
- hinged structure
- honeycomb structure
- hydraulic structure
- hyperstatic structure
- in-line structure
- intake structure
- laminated structure
- large-block structure
- large panel structure
- large span structure
- lattice structure
- lightweight structure
- linear structures
- line structures
- load-bearing structure
- log structure
- long span structure
- major structure
- manure storage structure
- marine structure
- massive concrete structure
- mass concrete structure
- metal structure
- modular structure
- multilevel structure
- multilevel cast-in-place parking structure
- multilevel precast concrete bar structure
- multiple span structure
- multistorey structure
- nonbearing structure
- nuclear energy structures
- offshore structure
- oil field structure
- open parking structure
- open-pile braced structure
- open-web structure
- orthotropic structure
- outfall structure
- outlet structure
- panel structure
- parking structure
- perlitic structure
- permanent structure
- pile structure
- pile-and-crib structure
- plate structures
- port structure
- portable structure
- portal structure
- post-and-beam structure
- precast structure
- prestressed structure
- prestressed pretensioned structure
- pretensioned structure
- radial plan structure
- rectilinear structure
- redundant structure
- regulating structure
- reinforced concrete structure
- reinforced masonry structure
- reinforced soil structure
- reinforced timber structure
- rigid structure
- rigid-plastic structure
- roof structure
- seismic structure
- self-supporting structure
- shell structure
- simply supported structure
- single span structure
- skeleton-type structure
- skeleton structure
- soil structure
- solid structure
- space structure
- space-grid structure
- spillway structure
- sports structure
- statically determinate structure
- statically indeterminate structure
- steel structure
- steel and concrete structure
- steel bearing structure
- storage structure
- stressed skin structure
- submerged structure
- subsurface structure
- supporting structure
- surface structure
- suspended structure
- suspended cable net structure
- tailrace structure
- tall structure
- thin-shell structure
- thin-walled prismatic structure
- thin-walled steel structure
- training structure
- truss structure
- tube-in-tube structure
- tubular structure
- turnout structure
- unclad structure
- underground structure
- underpinning structure
- underwater structure
- unified structure
- unsafe structure
- unusual structure
- urban structure
- utility structures
- vault structure
- water-conveyance structure
- water-diverting structure
- water-filled framed structure
- waterfront structure
- water retaining structure
- welded structure
- zoned earthfill structure
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
20 work
1) работа; труд; действие; функционирование2) обработка3) обрабатываемая заготовка; обрабатываемая деталь; обрабатываемое изделие4) механизм5) конструкция6) мн. ч. завод; фабрика; мастерские; технические сооружения; строительные работы7) мн. ч. работающие части механизма, подвижные органы механизма8) работать; обрабатывать9) действовать, двигаться, поворачиваться ( о подвижных частях механизмов)10) коробиться•work performed with materials in a smaller quantity — работа, выполненная с недостаточным использованием материалов
work performed without the necessary diligence — работа, выполненная небрежно
work which is not in accordance with specifications — работа, не соответствующая техническим требованиям
work which is not in accordance with the requirements of the engineer — работа, не отвечающая требованиям инженера
to work down — 1) осаживать ( вниз); оседать 2) обрабатывать на меньший размер
to work in — вделывать, вмонтировать
to work into — углубляться во что-либо, уходить внутрь
to work off — 1) соскакивать, соскальзывать ( во время работы) 2) снимать (напр. стружку)
to work on — действовать на что-либо, оказывать влияние на что-либо
to work out — 1) разрабатывать (план, проект) 2) вырабатывать (что-либо) из чего-либо (напр. вытачивать, выстрагивать, выфрезеровывать) 3) выскакивать, выпадать во время работы
to work over — обрабатывать вторично, перерабатывать, подвергать переработке
to work upon — действовать на что-либо, оказывать влияние на что-либо
- work executed - work in process - work of acceleration - work of deformation - work of ideal cycle - work of resistance - work on arbour - works under way - access to works - actual progress of works - amendment of the date of completion of works - amount of the executed works - applied work - asphalt work - assessment of works - auxiliary work - bank work - bargain work - beat-cob work - betterment work - black and white work - bluff work - bonus work - bosh brick work - branch work - branched work - bright work - carpenter's work - cast steel work - cessation of works - chased work - check of works - checking of works - chequer work - chequered work - cindering work - civil works - civil and erection works - clay work - clearing work - commencement of works - completed works - completion of works - concrete work - diversion work - condensing works - construction works - consumed work - continuous execution of works - contract works - cost of works - cost of uncovering works - covered-up works - date of commencement of works - date of completion of works - day-to-day work - day wage work - dead work - defective works - delay in completion of works - delayed completion of works - demolition works - description of works - design and survey works - desilting works - diaper work of bricklaying - drainage work - dredge work - dressing works - drove work - earth works - effective work - embossed work - emergency works - engineering works - erecting works - erection works - examination of works - excavation works - execution of works - expected period of works - extension of the time for completion of works - external work - face work - fascine work - field works - finely finished work - finishing work - fitter's works - flat trellis work - float work - forming work - forthcoming works - frosted rustic work - gauge work - gauged work - geologic works - geological works - grading works - gunite work - heading work - health work - hot work - hydro-meteorologic works - hydro-meteorological works - inadequate progress of works - incomplete lattice work - indicated work - inlaid work - inspection of works - installation work - intake works - irrigation works - jack works - jobbing work - joggle work - ladder work - line work - link work - locksmith's work - machine work - main works - maintenance work - management of works - maritime works - metal work - milling work - motion work - multiple lattice work - nature of works - neat work - negative work - night work - no-load work - odd works - on the site works - order of execution of works - outlet work - outstanding works - overhead works - panel work - partially completed works - part of works - paternoster work - period of works - period of execution of works - permanent works - pilot-scale work - plane frame work - planer work - pneumatic work - port work - portion of works - pottery work - precision work - preliminary works - preparatory works - pressure cementing work - programme of works - progress of works - proper execution of works - prospecting works - public works - pump works - quantity of works - rag work - R and D work - random work - range work - reclamation work - recoverable-strain work - recuperated work - reflected work - reliability of works - relief work - remedial works - repair work - repairing work - required work - research work - resumption of works - retaining works - reticulated work - right of access to works - river training works - rustic work - safety of works - schedule of works - scope of work - shaper work - sheet metal work - shift work - smith and founder work - spillway works - starting work - step-by-step check of works - step-by-step checking of works - stick and rag work - stoppage of works - subcontract works - submarine work - substituted works - sufficiency of works - supervision for works - supervision for of works - survey work - survey and research works - suspension of works - taking over of works - task work - temporary work - test work - test-hole work - three-coat work - through-carved work - time for completion of works - timely completion of works - tool work - topiary work - topographic works - topographical works - track work - treatment works - trellis work - trench work - trestle work - turning work - uncompleted works - uncovering of works - upon completion of works - variations in works - variations of works - volume of works - wiring work - X-ray workto complete works (in the time stipulated in the contract) — завершать работы (в срок, оговорённый в контракте)
* * *1. работа2. изделие3. обработка5. работа, мощность6. pl сооружение, сооружения7. pl завод, фабрика, мастерскиеwork above ground — наземные работы ( в отличие от подземных и подводных); работы, производимые на поверхности земли
work below ground ( level) — подземные работы
work carried out on site — работы, выполненные на стройплощадке
work done in sections — работа, выполненная отдельными секциями [частями]
work in open excavations — работы в открытых выемках [горных выработках]
work in progress — (строительные) работы в стадии выполнения, выполняемые [производимые] (строительные) работы; объект в стадии строительства
work in water — работы, производимые в воде [под водой]
work near water — работы, производимые близ водоёмов или рек
- work of deformationwork on schedule — работы в процессе выполнения ( по графику); работы, предусмотренные планом [графиком]
- work of external forces
- work of internal forces
- above-ground works
- additional work
- agricultural works
- alteration work
- ashlar work
- auxiliary work
- avalanche baffle works
- axed work
- backfill work
- backing masonry work
- bag work
- bench work
- block work
- brewery works
- brick work
- broken-color work
- brush work
- building work
- building site works
- carcass work
- carpenter's work
- cement works
- chemical production works
- civil engineering work
- coast protection works
- cob work
- completed work
- complicated building work
- concrete work
- concrete block masonry work
- concrete masonry work
- constructional work
- construction work
- continuous shift work
- contract work
- coursed work
- crib work
- day work
- dead work
- defective work
- defence works
- deformation work
- demolition work
- development work
- diver's works
- diversion works
- donkey work
- drainage works
- earth work
- earth-moving work
- elastic work of a material
- electric work
- electricity production works
- emergency work
- enclosed construction works
- engineering works
- erection work
- erosion protection works
- excavation works
- experimental work
- external work
- extra work
- facing work
- factory work
- fascine work
- finishing work
- finish work
- floating construction works
- flood-control works
- flood-protection works
- floor work
- floor-and-wall tiling work
- floor covering work
- food industry production work
- foundation work
- funerary works
- further day's work
- gas works
- gauged work
- glazed work
- glazier's work
- half-plain work
- hammered work
- hand work
- handy work
- heat insulation work
- heavy work
- highly mechanized work
- hot work
- in-fill masonry work
- innovative construction work
- insulating work
- intake works
- internal work in the system
- ironmongery work
- joinery work
- land retention works
- landslide protection works
- loading works
- manual work
- marine works
- metallurgical processing works
- night work
- nonconforming work
- office work
- off-the-site work
- one-coat work
- open-air intake works
- open construction works
- ornamental works
- ornate work
- outlet works
- overhang work
- overhead work
- permanent works up to ground level
- petroleum extraction works
- piece work
- pitched work
- plaster work
- plumbing work
- power production works
- precast works
- production works
- promotion work
- protection works
- protective works
- public works
- random ashlar work
- refurbishment work
- refuse disposal works
- refuse incineration works
- regulation works
- reinforced concrete work
- research work
- reticulated work
- road transport works
- roof tiling work
- rubble ashlar masonry work
- sanitary works
- sea defence works
- sediment exclusion works
- sewage disposal works
- single construction works
- smillage-axed work
- solid plaster work
- steel construction works
- steel works
- steel plate work
- structural restoration work
- surface transport works
- temporary works
- textile work
- three-coat work
- tiling work
- training works
- transport works
- treatment works
- two-coat work
- underground work
- underwater work
- unloading works
- vermiculated work
- virtual work
- waste disposal works
- water works
- water treatment works
См. также в других словарях:
Crib Point railway station — Crib Point Station information Code CPT Distance from Flinders Street 71.5 km Operator Metro Trains Melbourne … Wikipedia
Crib Point railway station, Melbourne — MelbourneRailwayStation1 NAME=Crib Point CODE=CPT DISTANCE=71.5 km LINES=Stony Point PLATFORMS=1 TRACKS=1 STATUS=Unmanned station FACILITIES= TIMETABLES= MELWAY= ZONE=2Crib Point is a railway station in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, located in… … Wikipedia
crib — /krib/, n., v., cribbed, cribbing. n. 1. a child s bed with enclosed sides. 2. a stall or pen for cattle. 3. a rack or manger for fodder, as in a stable or barn. 4. a bin for storing grain, salt, etc. 5. Informal. a. a translation, list of… … Universalium
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